Invited Talks
M.B. Rahaim, “Software Defined Radio Beyond RF: Integrating SDR techniques for optical wireless communications”, in OPTICSMEET 2021, (Virtual) Nice, France, November 2021.
M.B. Rahaim, “Ultra-Dense Wireless Networks for Beyond 5G: Accommodating the “CROWD” with Coexisting Radio and Optical Wireless Deployments,” in Engineering Seminar Series, UMass Boston, April 2021.
M.B. Rahaim, "Lighting as a Platform for Wireless Connectivity: Enabling Data Delivery via Light," Middle East Electricity, IoT Lighting Conference, March 2019 [presentation] [site].
M.B. Rahaim, "Welcome to the CROWD: Coexisting Radio and Optical Wireless Deployments for Added Capacity in Ultra Dense Environments," Lighting Enabled Systems and Applications (LESA) Engineering Research Center's Industry-Academia Days, April 2018 [presentation] [site].
M.B. Rahaim, "CROWD Networks: Coexisting Radio and Optical Wireless Deployments for Ultra Dense Data Delivery," International Conference on Information Optics and Photonics - Workshop on Visible Light Communications, July 2016, [presentation] [site].
M.B. Rahaim, "LED LiFi: Applications and Challenges," Taiwan Solid State Lighting Symposium, April 2016, [presentation] [site].
Poster and Oral Presentations
V. Planchart, L. Martinez, and M.B. Rahaim, "An Open Source Experimental Testbed for Performance Analysis of Ultra-Dense Networks," in MIT Undergraduate Research Technology Conference, September 2022.
H. Ali, M. Toole, and M.B. Rahaim, "Performance Improvement of Neighboring Networks When Implementing Data Off-Loading with Optical Wireless Communications," in Massachusetts Undergraduate Research Conference (MassURC), virtual presentation, April 2022.
E. Urban, V. Chu, S. Rezaeiboroujerdi, H. Aboutahoun, I. Saheb, V. Ohanian, H. Wu, M. Kulhandjian, H. Kulhandjian, and M.B. Rahaim, "SDR-Enabled Multi-Cell Resource Allocation for multi-cell/multi-user optical wireless communication networks," in Massachusetts Undergraduate Research Conference (MassURC), virtual presentation, April 2022.
M. Toole, D. Andrade, H. Ali, D. Foto, N. Alshammari, and M.B. Rahaim, "SDR Testbed for Ultra-Dense Wireless Networks," in Massachusetts Undergraduate Research Conference (MassURC), virtual presentation, April 2022.
M. Toole, R. Agasti, A. Ahmed, Z. Garnes, J.C. Laude, K.C. Kerby-Patel, and M.B. Rahaim, "Dual Security System with Link Signature Keying and Optical Wireless Communications," in Massachusetts Undergraduate Research Conference (MassURC), virtual presentation. April 2021.
J.C. Laude, K. Cai, H. Gao, M. Toole, and M.B. Rahaim, "Testbed System for Ultra-Dense Wireless Communication," in Massachusetts Undergraduate Research Conference (MassURC), virtual presentation. April 2021.
M. Toole and M.B. Rahaim, "Evaluating the Impact of Data Offloading in Dense Wireless Networks with Optical Communication," in MIT Undergraduate Research Technology Conference (MIT URTC), October 2020.
J. Nguyen and M.B. Rahaim, "Visible Light Communication Testbed and Open Source Toolkit for Optical Communication," in New England Workshop for Software Defined Radio (NEWSDR), Boston, MA. June 2019.
J. Nguyen and M.B. Rahaim, "Visible Light Communication Testbed and Open Source Toolkit for Optical Communication," in Massachusetts Undergraduate Research Conference (MassURC), Amherst, MA. April 2019.
M. Toole, J. Hinkey, and M.B. Rahaim, "Evaluating the Impact of Data Offloading in Dense Wireless Networks with Optical Communication," in Massachusetts Undergraduate Research Conference (MassURC), Amherst, MA. April 2019.
S. Shao, Z. Kahn, G. Liu, A. Khreishah, M. Ayyash, H. Elgala, T.D.C. Little, and M.B. Rahaim, "Optimizing Handover Parameters by Q-Learning for Heterogeneous RF-VLC Networks," in IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), Paris, France. April, 2019.
I. Abdalla, M.B. Rahaim, and T.D.C. Little, "Connectivity Under Mobility in a VLC Dense Network," in LESA ERC Industry-Academia Days, Troy, NY. April, 2018.
M.B. Rahaim and T.D.C. Little, “Interference Analysis in Visible Light Communication Systems,” in Smart Lighting ERC Industry-Academia Days, Troy, NY. February, 2015.
M.B. Rahaim and T.D.C. Little, “Multicellular HetNets Incorporating Directional VLC,” in Smart Lighting ERC Industry-Academia Days, Troy, NY. February, 2014.
M.B. Rahaim and T.D.C. Little, “Heterogeneous Network Integration of RF and VLC,” in Boston University Scholars Day, Boston, MA. April, 2013.
M.B. Rahaim and T.D.C. Little, “Mobility and Network Considerations for Heterogeneous Systems Utilizing VLC,” in Smart Lighting ERC Industry-Academia Days, Troy, NY. February, 2013.
M.B. Rahaim and T.D.C. Little, “Optimization of Integrated Heterogeneous Wireless Communications for High Bandwidth Density in Multi-User Environments,” in GE Global Research Center’s Student Research Summit, Niskayuna, NY. August, 2012.
M.B. Rahaim and T.D.C. Little, “Software Defined Visible Light Communication,” in New England Workshop for Software Defined Radio (NEWSDR), Boston, MA. May, 2012.
M.B. Rahaim, A.M. Vegni, and T.D.C. Little, “Heterogeneous Wireless Communication for High Bandwidth Density in Multi-User Environments,” in Boston University’s Science and Engineering Research Symposium, Boston, MA. March, 2012.
M.B. Rahaim, A.M. Vegni, and T.D.C. Little, “Heterogeneous Wireless Communication for High Bandwidth Density,” in Smart Lighting ERC Industry-Academia Days, Troy, NY. February, 2012.
M.B. Rahaim, T. Borogovac, and J.B. Carruthers “Software Defined Visible Light Communication,” in Boston University’s Science and Engineering Research Symposium, Boston, MA. March, 2011.
M.B. Rahaim, T. Borogovac, and J.B. Carruthers, “Software Defined Visible Light Communication Test Bed,” in Smart Lighting ERC Industry-Academia Days, Troy, NY. February, 2011.
M.B. Rahaim and T. Borogovac, “High Bandwidth Density VLC for Indoor Dual-Use Communication and Lighting,” in Boston University’s Science and Engineering Research Symposium, Boston, MA. March, 2010.
M.B. Rahaim and T. Borogovac, “System Level Modeling of High Bandwidth Density VLC for Dual-Use Communication and Lighting,” in Smart Lighting ERC Industry-Academia Days, Troy, NY. February, 2010.
Hany Elgala, M.B. Rahaim, and T.D.C. Little, “Demonstration of a Software Defined Visible Light Communication System,” in Boston University’s Tech, Drugs, and Rock n’ Roll, Boston, MA. July, 2014.
M.B. Rahaim and T.D.C. Little, “Demonstration of a Software Defined Visible Light Communication System,” in Boston University’s Tech, Drugs, and Rock n’ Roll, Boston, MA. July, 2012.
M.B. Rahaim, T. Borogovac, T.D.C. Little, A. Mirvakili, and V. Joyner, “Demonstration of a Software Defined Visible Light Communication System,” in Mobicom Poster and Demonstration Competition, Las Vegas, NV. September, 2011.