
Invited Talks

  • M.B. Rahaim, “Software Defined Radio Beyond RF: Integrating SDR techniques for optical wireless communications”, in OPTICSMEET 2021, (Virtual) Nice, France, November 2021.

  • M.B. Rahaim, “Ultra-Dense Wireless Networks for Beyond 5G: Accommodating the “CROWD” with Coexisting Radio and Optical Wireless Deployments,” in Engineering Seminar Series, UMass Boston, April 2021.

  • M.B. Rahaim, "Lighting as a Platform for Wireless Connectivity: Enabling Data Delivery via Light," Middle East Electricity, IoT Lighting Conference, March 2019 [presentation] [site].

  • M.B. Rahaim, "Welcome to the CROWD: Coexisting Radio and Optical Wireless Deployments for Added Capacity in Ultra Dense Environments," Lighting Enabled Systems and Applications (LESA) Engineering Research Center's Industry-Academia Days, April 2018 [presentation] [site].

  • M.B. Rahaim, "CROWD Networks: Coexisting Radio and Optical Wireless Deployments for Ultra Dense Data Delivery," International Conference on Information Optics and Photonics - Workshop on Visible Light Communications, July 2016, [presentation] [site].

  • M.B. Rahaim, "LED LiFi: Applications and Challenges," Taiwan Solid State Lighting Symposium, April 2016, [presentation] [site].

Poster and Oral Presentations

    • V. Planchart, L. Martinez, and M.B. Rahaim, "An Open Source Experimental Testbed for Performance Analysis of Ultra-Dense Networks," in MIT Undergraduate Research Technology Conference, September 2022.

    • H. Ali, M. Toole, and M.B. Rahaim, "Performance Improvement of Neighboring Networks When Implementing Data Off-Loading with Optical Wireless Communications," in Massachusetts Undergraduate Research Conference (MassURC), virtual presentation, April 2022.

    • E. Urban, V. Chu, S. Rezaeiboroujerdi, H. Aboutahoun, I. Saheb, V. Ohanian, H. Wu, M. Kulhandjian, H. Kulhandjian, and M.B. Rahaim, "SDR-Enabled Multi-Cell Resource Allocation for multi-cell/multi-user optical wireless communication networks," in Massachusetts Undergraduate Research Conference (MassURC), virtual presentation, April 2022.

    • M. Toole, D. Andrade, H. Ali, D. Foto, N. Alshammari, and M.B. Rahaim, "SDR Testbed for Ultra-Dense Wireless Networks," in Massachusetts Undergraduate Research Conference (MassURC), virtual presentation, April 2022.

    • M. Toole, R. Agasti, A. Ahmed, Z. Garnes, J.C. Laude, K.C. Kerby-Patel, and M.B. Rahaim, "Dual Security System with Link Signature Keying and Optical Wireless Communications," in Massachusetts Undergraduate Research Conference (MassURC), virtual presentation. April 2021.

    • J.C. Laude, K. Cai, H. Gao, M. Toole, and M.B. Rahaim, "Testbed System for Ultra-Dense Wireless Communication," in Massachusetts Undergraduate Research Conference (MassURC), virtual presentation. April 2021.

    • M. Toole and M.B. Rahaim, "Evaluating the Impact of Data Offloading in Dense Wireless Networks with Optical Communication," in MIT Undergraduate Research Technology Conference (MIT URTC), October 2020.

    • J. Nguyen and M.B. Rahaim, "Visible Light Communication Testbed and Open Source Toolkit for Optical Communication," in New England Workshop for Software Defined Radio (NEWSDR), Boston, MA. June 2019.

    • J. Nguyen and M.B. Rahaim, "Visible Light Communication Testbed and Open Source Toolkit for Optical Communication," in Massachusetts Undergraduate Research Conference (MassURC), Amherst, MA. April 2019.

    • M. Toole, J. Hinkey, and M.B. Rahaim, "Evaluating the Impact of Data Offloading in Dense Wireless Networks with Optical Communication," in Massachusetts Undergraduate Research Conference (MassURC), Amherst, MA. April 2019.

    • S. Shao, Z. Kahn, G. Liu, A. Khreishah, M. Ayyash, H. Elgala, T.D.C. Little, and M.B. Rahaim, "Optimizing Handover Parameters by Q-Learning for Heterogeneous RF-VLC Networks," in IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), Paris, France. April, 2019.

    • I. Abdalla, M.B. Rahaim, and T.D.C. Little, "Connectivity Under Mobility in a VLC Dense Network," in LESA ERC Industry-Academia Days, Troy, NY. April, 2018.

    • M.B. Rahaim and T.D.C. Little, “Interference Analysis in Visible Light Communication Systems,” in Smart Lighting ERC Industry-Academia Days, Troy, NY. February, 2015.

    • M.B. Rahaim and T.D.C. Little, “Multicellular HetNets Incorporating Directional VLC,” in Smart Lighting ERC Industry-Academia Days, Troy, NY. February, 2014.

    • M.B. Rahaim and T.D.C. Little, “Heterogeneous Network Integration of RF and VLC,” in Boston University Scholars Day, Boston, MA. April, 2013.

    • M.B. Rahaim and T.D.C. Little, “Mobility and Network Considerations for Heterogeneous Systems Utilizing VLC,” in Smart Lighting ERC Industry-Academia Days, Troy, NY. February, 2013.

    • M.B. Rahaim and T.D.C. Little, “Optimization of Integrated Heterogeneous Wireless Communications for High Bandwidth Density in Multi-User Environments,” in GE Global Research Center’s Student Research Summit, Niskayuna, NY. August, 2012.

    • M.B. Rahaim and T.D.C. Little, “Software Defined Visible Light Communication,” in New England Workshop for Software Defined Radio (NEWSDR), Boston, MA. May, 2012.

    • M.B. Rahaim, A.M. Vegni, and T.D.C. Little, “Heterogeneous Wireless Communication for High Bandwidth Density in Multi-User Environments,” in Boston University’s Science and Engineering Research Symposium, Boston, MA. March, 2012.

    • M.B. Rahaim, A.M. Vegni, and T.D.C. Little, “Heterogeneous Wireless Communication for High Bandwidth Density,” in Smart Lighting ERC Industry-Academia Days, Troy, NY. February, 2012.

    • M.B. Rahaim, T. Borogovac, and J.B. Carruthers “Software Defined Visible Light Communication,” in Boston University’s Science and Engineering Research Symposium, Boston, MA. March, 2011.

    • M.B. Rahaim, T. Borogovac, and J.B. Carruthers, “Software Defined Visible Light Communication Test Bed,” in Smart Lighting ERC Industry-Academia Days, Troy, NY. February, 2011.

    • M.B. Rahaim and T. Borogovac, “High Bandwidth Density VLC for Indoor Dual-Use Communication and Lighting,” in Boston University’s Science and Engineering Research Symposium, Boston, MA. March, 2010.

    • M.B. Rahaim and T. Borogovac, “System Level Modeling of High Bandwidth Density VLC for Dual-Use Communication and Lighting,” in Smart Lighting ERC Industry-Academia Days, Troy, NY. February, 2010.


    • Hany Elgala, M.B. Rahaim, and T.D.C. Little, “Demonstration of a Software Defined Visible Light Communication System,” in Boston University’s Tech, Drugs, and Rock n’ Roll, Boston, MA. July, 2014.

    • M.B. Rahaim and T.D.C. Little, “Demonstration of a Software Defined Visible Light Communication System,” in Boston University’s Tech, Drugs, and Rock n’ Roll, Boston, MA. July, 2012.

    • M.B. Rahaim, T. Borogovac, T.D.C. Little, A. Mirvakili, and V. Joyner, “Demonstration of a Software Defined Visible Light Communication System,” in Mobicom Poster and Demonstration Competition, Las Vegas, NV. September, 2011.